The Power of Intention
Keep That Smile Alive!
Every morning I choose an intention for my day. This acts as a simple, yet powerful reminder to manifest what I want to create, as I interweave my intention throughout my day.
Some days when I am in a difficult place I choose an intention that is the opposite of how I am feeling. I acknowledge and honor how I feel, yet instead of staying stuck in a negative place , I cultivate something positive. For example, one day I was feeling deeply sad and having a hard time letting go of a recent loss. I set my intention to cultivate and be in joy. Dancing brings me so much joy and I had not been dancing recently. I promised to myself that I would dance everyday that week. My beautiful husband will take me in his arms and dance with me once in a while. This always brings me joy. Without me sharing my intentions, he took me in his arms and danced with me 4 days in a row that week. It was especially sweet and joyful since we were literally dancing between boxes during a challenging move from our beloved home.
As I was working through letting go of deep grief, not only from releasing of our home, but our dear pets and my business of 28 years, I decided to cultivate more joy by singing. Even though I was being guided by spirit, and is was my own free will and choice to let go of so much, being a very sentimental person sometimes gets the best of me. I usually sing by myself in the shower or the car or in a large group at church where I hope no one will actually hear me. However, it was my precious girlfriend’s, Becky, birthday so an opportunity presented itself to be true to my intentions. I called Becky and was half happy it was her answering machine and not her. My voice cracked as I a nervously sang into the phone my shaky version of ‘close to you’ to honor her birthday. She delightfully responded later that day that she remembered me singing that same song to my sons when they were little. That definitely gave me joy. That night as I was cuddling up with my husband after a long day, I told him “I love to be close to you.” Without knowing of my exchange with Becky earlier that day, he played this very song for me, and we had never listened to it together before. I marveled at the synchronicities continually unfolding before me, and I truly felt far more joy than sadness as my intentions manifested.
Although my sadness had lessened, I was feeling very overwhelmed with the formidable task of moving during an ice and snow storm, between working and being present for my family. I set my intention this day, to receive a sign that my husband and I were on the right path. As I was quietly massaging a client’s back, unanticipated tears started streaming down my face. I gazed out the window to see the same majestic eagle that had been perched in the same tree for 3 hours not too far off in the distance. I asked silently, “Dear God , please let that eagle fly from the tree as a sign that it is ok to set myself free and to reaffirm that Paul and I are on the right path.” Within a few seconds that eagle flew from that tree.
Wow! What you believe really does come true. Our pure intentions manifest great things.
Soon after, my husband & I were in Kauai doing one of our favorite things, riding our bicycles along the stunningly beautiful coastline. Here where the ocean meets the land, we felt the most happy, alive, energetic, carefree, romantic and creative. Here , we were experiencing a life to live for. Here along this majestic bike path, we met the coolest people, like the man Forest and his rooster, Elvis, riding on his handlebar, amazing musicians, restaurants, our seal friends, and always the sun and the waves and other people participating in an active outdoor lifestyle. Lots of people seemed very serious and disconnected . I decided that my intention that day was to encourage people to smile and connect, with eye contact. Out of 96 people I passed on the bike path that morning, I was honored that 84 of them returned the same deep eye contact and a genuine smile to me. I hope that I uplifted their day as much as they did mine.
As I rode by one man, I noticed the back of his t-shirt, SMILE and I UNDERSTAND YOU, for in any language , anywhere in the world, it has the same meaning. Then my new friend Forest, and his rooster, Elvis, rode up beside me beaming, and proclaimed to me, “Keep That Smile Alive.”
We truly are plugged in to all that is . Our intention and focus become our reality. We only need to be still enough to hear and honor our intentions and our inter-connectedness to all that will be.
Donna Maria