Our People As I walked the path from long ago My heart wept for what once was Clouds swirl by the Autumn wind Orange hues blanket the space between I wanted to be holding your hand Squeezing energetic pulses of deep love Water flowing around the rocks and limbs White wash being made by the same As each day passes, the depth bares more Aches for all that has gone by Leaves covering where once you walked Branches bare, reaching to pull you back At the bend in your water's … [Read more...]
Do you have a story you want to share with others? How about a poem? Perhaps it is your own story or poem, or maybe it is one that someone else wrote but helped you follow your heart. Submit any writing pieces to [email protected] (you are welcome to attached any related photography as well).
The Leaf by Paul Knoll
Dangling from her arm as long as I could A death spiral to where I began One last gaze of the brilliant azure Silently twisting to the frozen earth A doe and her fawn visited me last night Looking through the arctic air to heaven's stars They felt my life falling away (and) Thanked me for all that I gave them I curtsied to them in gratitude For I am just one in this vast, sacred forest My significance seemingly so small (But) twas me, they knew who needed acknowledgment My … [Read more...]
Solitude by Paul Knoll
Solitude In the solitude of my heartPo I search for the birth of my rhythm depth of my purpose source of my sacredness With each beat of my heart I endeavor to live more aligned with nature freely of past missteps trusting of what lies ahead In each breath I am allowed deep in my soul, I ask how can I be of service I bring balance I touch life And then........ In the solitude of my heart the answer simply appears I must love again and again and again with every … [Read more...]