Light✨Body💛Healing With Donna Maria Bordeaux
An Invitation:
To be lighter in your body & to be open to letting more of your divine light in;
To come home to your true self;
To honor & facilitate the harmony & well-being of your body, mind, heart & spirit;
To experience greater alignment, centeredness, peace, flexibility, freedom & strength in all of your being.
When each of these sacred parts of us thrives, we come more alive.

It is Donna Maria’s joy & privilege to serve you with her gentle, noninvasive, transformational energy work. Four decades of extensive training , teaching & education have nurtured & expanded Donna Maria’s knowledge, skill & offerings.
She has the ability to dowse the human energy body & tune into, right away, to where the greatest internal congestion &/or restrictions are creating a state of dis-ease or imbalance. Her energy techniques can release compression off internal structures, that contribute to pain & dysfunction, restore greater spaciousness within, improved circulation, internal dynamic flow & function, while creating greater flexibility, fluidity & ease of dynamic mobility.
Donna Maria has keen listening & assessment skills that guide her to the most important & effective treatment for you by listening to what your body is asking for. She also specializes in bringing your nervous system back to the settled, regulated, healing mode.💖 This will simply help you to feel greater presence, well-being, vitality, focus, energy & motivation! Included in each healing session are excellent self help tools specifically recommended & taught to support your individual needs.
Additionally, Light Body private yoga lessons are offered to further enhance self care skills specifically designed to reach your goals.
Please call 207-841-8033 for a Light Body Healing session &/or private yoga lesson , with Donna Maria Bordeaux.
*Graduate of Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy with High Honors.
*Provided acute care; St. Mary’s Hospital in Richmond, Virginia.
Kennebec Valley Medical Center; PT & coordinator of clinical education . Trained Dartmouth interns PT procedures.
*Founder, President & Director of Greater Brunswick Physical Therapy.
1988-2018. 2 time selected as Business of Year Award for mid-coast Maine.
*Leader, Facilitator, Teacher PT education New England & Beyond.
*Founder, Producer, Choreographer, Teacher & Performer; Light Body Dancers & Benefit Shows for Children with Special Needs.
*Founded Physical Therapy Scholarship Program & Light Body Free Healing Clinics, Maine.
*Yoga Teacher Training; Nosara, Costa Rica 2015 (also the year I learned how to surf ).
*Co-Founder To Live For, LLC; Writer, Dancer, Producer
*Community Service: Maine, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Panama & New Zealand.
*Dedicated to spreading love, joy & positive vibes wherever I go .
May you be at Peace & Empowered in your Being
May you be present in your divinity
May you be Heartfelt in your Humanity
May you be ever expanding in the Light of your soul & spirit ; to bring love & Healing to yourself , our earth & every creature ✨💛✨strong & vulnerable .
Love For All ,
Donna Maria Bordeaux
“Donna Maria is a lovely being and truly gifted body worker/therapist. I am so grateful to have received her loving treatments which incorporate techniques from many healing traditions. She has a natural capacity to intuit and see subtly where physical and emotional energy are out of alignment and apply hands-on/heart-on where is most needed. I felt huge shift and many healing effects from her work including a tremendous sense of Well-being and peaceful and spacious presence. Following my first session I slept for hours as my body had so much to integrate. I appreciate that she gave me ‘homework’ to compliment the work we had done together to more fully take hold. I am honored to have Donna Maria’s loving touch and presence in my life. We are truly blessed to have her in our community and to receive in her wisdom and skill.” ~ Hooda
“As an owner of a Wellness Company who has worked with A-List Clientele & major movie productions, I have worked with only the best of the best practitioners. In all my years, Donna Maria’s healing sessions are one of the best, if not the best, I have encountered. Her healing work is profound & must be experienced . She comes with my highest recommendations. She is worth every penny because you receive 10x the results from just one or two sessions.” ~ Callie Kares