Emily and Lenin have a very cool story in how they met and that has led to their wonderful love for each other and the co-creation of music that is, indeed, Inspiring worldwide love, joy, and positive vibes!
Their music is derived from their rich cultural and familial backgrounds as well as their deep appreciation for the earth and the people of the earth.
Emily and Lenin believe that the purpose of creating and then sharing their music is to spread love and positive vibes across the globe. Obviously, we believe in and support their mission with all of our hearts,as this is what To Live For is all about as well.
In addition to co-creating music with Lenin, Emily also has a healing practice in which she uses her intuitive gifts and sounds to help her clients live according to their natural inner frequency, and connect with the universal guiding power within. During an intuitive reading and healing, Emily helps her clients receive healing energy and make room for desirable new possibilities to come into their life.
At the end of this interview, Emily and Lenin perform one of their original songs or you can listen to it by clicking here.
FMI about Emily and Lenin’s music, visit www.theflyingseeds.com
FMI bout Emily’s Healing Practice, visit www.FrequencyHolder.com